December 4, 2021

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A Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius


Alexander Baker

A Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius exacted this morning, in the middle decan of the Archer’s sign — called ‘Strength’ in The Book of Thoth.  I will remind that when this round of Sagittarius ‘season’ opened about two weeks ago, it saw the Sun’s conjunction to Ketu, the South Node of the Moon.

While new moons — perhaps a Sagittarius New Moon in particular — are known for dawning promise and buoyancy surrounding fresh starts, it’s important to remember that solar eclipses are by definition a New Moon swallowing the Sun’s light.  There is a reinvigorated optimism and excitement afoot, yes, but also a bit of the ‘winding down’ and weariness an eclipse can bring to the otherwise spirited astrology of this lunation.

This eclipse might temper the jovian rulership of the lunation, toning Sagittarius’ familiar ‘manifestinist baddy’ tropes just a tad.  The Sun’s conjunction to the South Node — a mark of decrease — on November 23rd was in some ways a preamble to this eclipse.  In confluence, these transits have asked us to set aside some of the more egoic dimensions of our hope.  While the North Node wants to see materialization of the will in externality, with hands-on gains, the South Node often implies material sacrifice but with an emphasis on ‘spiritual’ gains.

What’s more, this particular decan of the Archer is sometimes known for “clinging to patterns long after their timely expiry,” as Austin Coppock writes in 36 Faces.  Yet this decan also holds strong convictions that help light a new, more fortuitous way with confidence and verve.

Dynamics to look for in recent days and those ahead:

* a sense of abundance and optimism, but recognition that there is work to be done
* to push on, or change the pattern first?
* a new love, idea, creative endeavor, risk, enterprise, or centrality dawning in one’s life * an emphasis on passion, checked or unchecked by healthy boundaries
* reflecting on long-held beliefs, and the blessings and shadows they bear
* moral crusading, and the implicit violence anyone’s convictions can reek on others
* judgments and hit pieces; ‘off with the king’s head’
* shocks/upsets in ‘familiar distributions’ of risk and odds, but with an air of positivity
* upsets in safe bets suddenly breaking the books, or breaking bones, but we press on
* big shifts and breakthrough, gains/losses surrounding the Sagittarius-ruled house of one’s chart and its themes

An ardent desire to ‘hit the highest target’, but also not quite knowing the road ahead, might sound like signs of the times as much as some frame of one’s innermost life.  There is an exciting dimension to confronting patterns that need renounced, in ourselves before we see those changes reflected in the world around us.  When the most passionate of inner visions have already been fortified by responsibility in the boundaries we set, the road before us can be hit with stronger stride and tameless love once again.

A solar system sanctuary.

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