Alexander Baker
In the gathering light of a slivered Luna, waxing crescent into Aquarius, I’ve been reflecting on last night’s New Moon in Capricorn. It commenced in contact with Venus retrograde, whose fading conjunction to Pluto is one of three taking place during her stroll through the sign of the Sea-Goat.
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There is beauty, taboo, hunger, but with cool repose; desire, even ravenous, and the steam from Pluto’s finger on the molten pulse — relationships purified, metamorphosized, begging excision of that which does not serve our deepest pursuits.
There is erosion, scandal, secrets revealed, the inescapability of truth that strips the soul of protective pretenses.
The sensual scaffolding of Venus in Capricorn here can be compromised by its own hunger or lapses into past patterns; and the plutonian questions will be posed yet again this arc of the cycle. With Venus-Pluto here, catharses are achieved, power dynamics realized, bonds broken or fires stoked, waters stirred, fierce darkness of the feminine flaunted.
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Jupiter, newly into its nocturnal home of Pisces, implies a year of good dignity for the ‘greater benefic.’ Jupiter as preeminent principle of expansion, giving, acceptance, and dissemination of wisdom… is comfortable, nurtured, boundless within the matrix of the mutable water sign.
Art begs to be made, even when the world is crumbling, and that includes every contour of your life as you continue living it. Don’t guilt yourself for moments of spiritual masochism; they’re dress rehearsal for the next peak moment of non-duality.
Rejoice in connection, seek with a cup at once empty and overflowing, forgive yourself endlessly, out-love your shadow, out-tender your own cynicism. Drink deeply the dark as things fall apart, and watch the intimacy of your relationship with the world be renewed. Don’t guilt yourself for every spiritual masochism; they’re dress rehearsal for your next peak moment of non-duality.
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Aphrodite and Hades together might signify value and riches from different lights — Venus through a copper mirror and selenite scales; Pluto through the crystalline pressure-cooker that squeezes wealth through our darkest urges, wherever one’s moral aim might fall. We see this in weighing our own innermost desires and motives, just as we see reflections of ‘the elite’ in movements of people and power.
See this in the terrain of your soul as much as the trajectory of Pharma tycoons, mass manipulation, travel bans, plummeting supply chains — and the seismic climate catastrophes rumbling towards a collective psychic doorway that begs for some catalyst to provoke change.
As this pandemic-turned-endemic approaches two years billowing in our psyches and with no concrete end in sight, one of the most confounding dimensions of it all remains the task of keeping perspective on how many ‘other’ things in this world are changing rapidly around us — to sort of extricate and examine them, both with and without the plague-tinted looking glass.
There have been unprecedented injections into the global economy — trillions in relief, very little of which the ‘working classes’ have seen. Venus is also the coining of currency, Pluto the namesake of the elite power-class of plutocrats mining human beings themselves. The widening wage gaps, sociopolitical unrest, dystopian tones in government messages about medicine and morality of individual choice, whatever avenue one gravitates down. We still feel these things epitomized in the present day, even with a gentle Jupiter disposition.
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The past two years of our lives have seen the average human — especially those already in blighted cities — with more time to reflect in isolation, willing or unwilling… to think on things, pace about, doom-scroll and disassociate. And all at an increasingly TikTok pace, at once the capsule kitsch future of serialized social media communication, as well as rotting people’s capacity to have an attention span even resembling the already bad ones five or six years ago?
It’s all fine and well that the final of 2021’s three dynamic squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus just passed, and marks the last time the two planets will form this aspect until 2043. But for all the ‘Electric Yikes’ of Kronos and Prometheus together at times, what if their lingering effects themselves are a delayed releasing? It’s hard to imagine that the earthly influences mirrored by these heavenly movements will fade in importance anytime soon.
The technocracy taking over an increasingly erratic natural world. The eternal revolution in simply sitting under a tree and reading, usurped by our thumbs leafing neurotically, looking through a screen at another screen, at yet another screen, push the camera deeper and deeper into ideas about ideas, bots taking over algorithms in dialogues that humans might very well end up frozen out of, as even some of the people getting paid for less and less work lose control.
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The astrological doctrine of ‘subsumption’ may endure beyond Saturn-Uranus squares, with even Jupiter’s dignity in the mutable water sign of Pisces swallowed up by the U.S.’ Pluto Return and its manifold karmic markers.
That said, Jupiter’s well-anticipated ingress into Pisces on December 28th brings a year of good dignity for the gas giant, whose ~11.8 year orbit gives it about as much time in each zodiac sign as it takes Earth to orbit the Sun. While Jupiter in its diurnal home of Sagittarius goes up and out to bring rewards where quests are indulged and outer targets triumphed, Jove in his nocturnal home of Pisces finds fulfillment in drinking from inner wells.
Mars is presently peregrine in Sagittarius, and not engaged in aspect by Jupiter in the early degrees of Pisces, yet the red planet’s aggressive hunt — sagittarian uniting, martial severing alike — is sensitized by the big planet in comfortable seas. Mars in the sign of the Archer is sometimes restless, but capable of quick scaffolding and rapid manifestation. If the aims of our vision are informed by the bigness of heart conjured in Jupiter’s homecoming — and gratitude for the ability to even grieve, beckoned by global affairs… how much more reverent can our opening to this year become? It will at least temper these remaining days of Mars’ pace here.
We may be swallowed by stories in procession far beyond our reach, but Jupiter medicine is good now. The watery entanglement of our own narratives, like drift through cosmic seaweed, tell the story of this stumbling world as much as any cold precision or lifeless dollar bottomline. A story where even the most selfless love exists in some measure of what one stands to gain, where the most consummate moments of passion are still aware of the stakes, where snuffed out by another part of the psyche, where one Eden-like serenity is disrupted by a conflicting interest drilling about. Where from an earthly vantage, the Moon perfectly eclipses the Sun in our storied stumbles forward.
A solar system sanctuary.
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